Friday, February 1, 2008


A couple months ago Joshua made a bird feeder. He took a large pine cone and rolled it in lard then into wild bird seed. He brought it home all proud and wanted to immediately hang it outside. We hung it on a hook that was already there. Within minutes he had his first bird visiting it. Before long the word was out and we had many birds coming by for a nibble.

Soon , the pine cone was looking pretty empty and Joshua wanted me to buy more seed. He didn't like the idea of the birds starving. After this past snow fall I had remembered to pick some up for his birds. They are all enjoying the thoughtful gesture of Joshua's part. Everyday he comes home and heads directly for the feeder to make sure there is plenty of seed for the birds.

Needless to say the birds are getting pretty fat to fly quickly. Paul says great now a neighborhood cat will come along and eat the let's hope that isn't the case.

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