Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January snow days 2008

We certainly got our share of snow this time around. We have been getting more and more throughout the day to. I went out driving in it yesterday, wasn't to bad at all. I haven't been out today as I am stranded at home. Hubby ended up taking my keys to work with him by accident. We only have one key for the van, since no one seems to be able to make a copy that works. It was bound to happen eventually.

The snow is very nice to look at. I am thinking about taking Logan out in it for a bit, probably do good for his cough.If I do get outside with him I will post some pictures of our adventure.

We are currently experiencing freezing rain, as well as another 15-20 cm of snow overnight and into the morning hours. The city of Chilliwack is low on road salt due to the shipment from Mexico is delayed for another 2 weeks, when we probably won't need it. Another reason why we should take care of ourselves. Importing road salt???? I would seriously think we could take care of that !

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